As environmental issues become increasingly important to the world, we are aiming to tackle climate change with SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) for a more sustainable future.

Libera Group acknowledges the preservation of the global environment to be an important management issue, and aims to preserve the global environment
and reduce any environmental impact of their business activities.

In the global shipping business, we are working to comply with international requrements / regulation such as the Ballast Water Control and Management Convention
and NOx (nitrogen oxides) and SOx (sulfur oxides) Control Regulations.

We are also working on the improvement of fuel efficiency through energy-saving ship operations, the research on environmentally friendly fuels,
and the replacement of vessels with environmentally friendly ones.

Compliance with the Ballast Water Management Convention

Global Shipping

Vessels take seawater into their tanks in order to maintain their stability when vessels have no cargo inside holds, which is called “balast water”. There had been concerns about the adverse effects on the ecosystem due to the difference of the ports where ballast water is being taken in or discharged and the movement of the aquatic organisms contained in the water. Therefore, Ballast Water Management Convention has came into effect in 2017. And Libera Group will complete installing ballast water treatment systems approved by International Maritime Organization (IMO) by 2024.

Compliance with prevention of air pollution (Nox and Sox emissions)

Global Shipping

Regulations are being tightened because the use of sulfur-containing fuels produces SOx and NOx, which can cause air pollution. We work together with the Charterers to comply with the rules by supplying low-sulfur fuel oil, or installing the scrubber system (exaust gas cleaning equipment). Various international rules are also complied and we, as ship owners are always keep sharp eyes for saving our environment.

Efforts Toward Decarbonization

Global Shipping

Companies around the world are working to decarbonize their operations in order to achieve the goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2050. In cooperation with charterers, Libera Group is working to enhance efficient operations by examining new fuel sources, learning to use wind-powered propulsion systems, and examining operational support systems to be a company that contributes to the lives of people around the world.

Compliance with the Ship Recycling Convention

Global Shipping

In accordance with the Convention on the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships adopted by the IMO in 2009 (which will be entered into force on June 2025), we are working to create an inventory (IHM) that describes the location and approximate amount of hazardous substances, waste, and stored materials onboard ships. At ship recycling facilities, this inventory is used as a reference, and recycling is carried out in a manner that ensures the safety and health of workers and prevents environmental pollution. In addition, we conduct inspections required by the European Ship Recycling Convention, which came into effect in 2020 and obtained the necessary certification from ClassNK.

Meeting the IMO’s GHG Emission Reduction Targets (Efforts to Prevent Global Warming)

Global Shipping

As GHG reduction strategies in international shipping are being promoted, we are working to improve fuel efficiency to comply with the EEXI (Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index) regulation, which is a technical approach.

Supports GHG rating by Rightship

Global Shipping

By maintaining the scoring of Rightship, a ship rating company, we are able to meet the requirements to clear the nominations for major resource majors, which are highly demanding.

Compliance with the Poseidon Principle

Global Shipping

In compliance with the Poseidon Principle, a principle for incorporating climate change-related initiatives into ship financing decision-making, we submit data on annual fuel consumption, voyage distance, etc. in response to requests from financial institutions that finance ships.

The Poseidon Principle is a set of common rules for quantitatively assessing whether the annual CO2 emissions of a ship subject to financing are consistent with IMO targets in response to requests from financial institutions.

Received the Highest Rating of Five Stars
in the Energy Conservation Rating for Domestic Vessels

Domestic Shipping,
Ferry & Logistics

We have several vessels and ferries that have received the highest energy efficiency rating for domestic vessels. They are our 3 RORO vessels owned by our group company Izumi Kisen Inc.: “Izumi Maru”, “Tsuruga”, and “Shinsen Maru” and our 4 ferries operate of Tsugaru Kaikyo Ferry Inc.: “Blue Luminous”, “Blue Happiness”, “Blue Dolphin” on the Aomori-Hakodate route, and “Blue Mermaid” on the Aomori-Muroran route.

Under this system, the Maritime Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism evaluates the CO2 emission reduction rate of ships as a measure to conserve energy and reduce CO2 emissions, and rates them with one to five stars depending on the improvement rate. Each of our ship was given a 5-star rating for an improvement rate of 20% or more. Our group is the first company in the ferry industry to have all of its vessels receive five-star ratings under the Energy Conservation Rating System.

Acquisition of Green Management Certification


Our group company NEXT CO.,LTD is responsible for our logistics business. They provide mainly chassis transportation that uses long-distance ferry services.

In addition to promoting energy-efficient mass transportation, all of our tractors comply with the new long-term emission regulations, and we have introduced a digital tachograph system to thoroughly control fuel consumption and reduce emissions. We have received Green Management Certification from the Foundation for Transport, Ecology and Mobility as an “environmentally conscious freight forwarder” and “conforming to green management certification standards”.

Investment in Solar Power Generation

Real Estate

Libera Group has invested in a solar power generation project utilizing a 400,000 square meter site in Hikari City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, facing the Seto Inland Sea. The amount of renewable energy to be produced will be approximately 20MW, which is equivalent to the electricity consumption of approximately 6,300 households.

Utilization of Abandoned Farmland

Regional Revitalization

Libera Group’s agricultural division YAMAMOTO CLUB CO.,LTD is planting olives in the island region of Kure City, Hiroshima Prefecture (where we were founded) and in Etajima City that is adjacent to Kure City as a measure to combat the problem of abandoned land. We provide guidance to farmers on cultivation and purchase the harvested olives so that olive cultivation can take root in the region.