Libera Group strives to maintain a high level of awareness
in safety in order to live up to the trust of our stakeholders.

We are building a system for safe operations on a daily basis and implementing preparations
for an appropriate and prompt response in the event of any kind of emergency.


Pre-onboard training
and Briefing

Global Shipping

In cooperation with our partner seafarer manning companies, we provide education and training in compliance with the STCW Convention for seafarers before embarkation. In addition to BRM/BTM (simulator-based shiphandling training) and ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display and Information System) training, we also provide training that is in line with the times such as Cyber Security Management System as well as our own original programs. These trainings will guarantee the improvement of seafarers’ knowledge, abilities, and safety awareness so that they can adapt to the ever-changing regulations.

Moreover, when senior officers (including the captain, the chief engineer, the first officer and the first engineer) board a ship, they hold a briefing with each person to provide guidance on various information related to safe operations (with topics of the company policy, recent troubles, ship’s condition and trade characteristics, recent manual revisions, development of safety information and regulations, etc.) as well as health guidance and health condition checks.

Development of
Ship-to-Shore Communications

Global Shipping

We have already introduced VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal ; fixed rate high-speed internet communication at sea) to our ocean-going vessels, and in the future, we will introduce Starlink to share real-time information with our vessels, which will not only improve the lives of our seafarers but also enhance our safe navigation system by creating an environment that allows efficient communication when trouble occurs. We will strive to strengthen the safety operation system by creating an environment that enables efficient communication in case of trouble, as well as improving the lives of seafarers through real-time information sharing with the vessel.

Issuing Circulars
on the latest information such
as regulation, troubles and its preventing measures.

Global Shipping

Not to mention the circulars issued to ships by the ship management division (such as trouble news, how to deal with them, latest updates of rules / requirements, etc.), relevant information from external organizations is shared with managed fleet appropriately, based on the information collected by the shipowner division.

Improving the Quality of Ship Management
by Setting Various Performance Evaluation Indicators

Global Shipping

With safe operation, customer (Charterer) satisfaction and cost management as the three pillars of the management company’s goals, we have set up various other performance indicators. These include KPIs for “accidents,” “crew injuries and illnesses,” “off hire,” “number of visits for the purpose of inspections and guidance,” “results of external inspections such as PSC, charterer inspections, and shipper inspections,” “budget management” and more. We review and strive to improve the quality of ship management.

Introduction of Safety Management System,
Acquisition of Voluntary ISM Code

Domestic Shipping and Ferry

We have established a safety management system that complies with the International Safety Management (ISM) Code in order to clarify responsibilities and procedures related to the safety of human life, ship safety and the prevention of marine environmental pollution in ship operations. Domestic vessels are not obliged to obtain this certification, but IZUMIKISEN CO.,LTD. and TSUGARU KAIKYO FERRY CO.,LTD have voluntarily obtained this certification. In accordance with this system, we consistently operate under laws, company policies, regulations, procedures, and records to ensure safe ship operations and environmental protection.

Certified with G-Mark


Our group company NEXT CO.,LTD who is responsible for our logistics business uses digital tachographs to control driving conditions, speed, sudden acceleration/deceleration, idling, etc., and strives to improve safe driving and transportation quality. The company’s various safety initiatives have been highly evaluated, and it was certified as an “Excellent Safety Workplace (G-Mark)” by the All Japan Trucking Association in its safety evaluation project for trucking businesses.


Emergency response drill

Global Shipping

To ensure that we can respond quickly and accurately and minimize the impact of an accident, we regularly conduct contingency drills to ensure that the ship and the Emergency Response Headquarters are functioning properly. After each exercise, we conduct a review to ensure continuous improvement.

Developing a
Cyber Security System (Certified by Class NK)

Global Shipping

Our Cyber Security System which composed of Cyber Security Manual

We have received CSMS certification from Class NK for our ship management division’s cyber security measures, including “the Cyber Security Management Manual used on shore and vessel”, “the education and training conducted for management company staff and onboarding crew member”, and “the hardwares such as PC, navigation equipment, facilities and systems on shore and sea related to Cyber Security”.


At Libera Group, we takes human rights seriously. We strive to respond to negative impacts on human rights appropriately in business settings.

We also prohibit discriminations based on race, nationality, gender, age, child labor, forced labor and harassment. We aim to create a safe and comfortable work environment.

Protection of Employee’s
Safety from Exposure
to and Infection
with COVID-19

In order to ensure the safety of our employees from the exposure to COVID-19, we have set up a task force to prevent the spread of the infection and are taking the following measures to prevent the spread of the infection, while coordinating information with group companies:

  • - Expanding the implementation of telecommuting and staggered work hours by setting emergency response rules
  • - Establishing satellite offices in business sites
  • - Systematizing procedures for handling fever, illnesses, and suspected infections
  • - Announcing and formulating COVID-19 response policies in regards to both federal and local government policies
Developing Initial Action Guidelines and Safety
Confirmation System for Heavy Rain Disasters

In recent years, natural disasters have been occurring frequently not only in Hiroshima Prefecture but also in other parts of Japan, causing tremendous damages. With human life as our first priority, we have prepared guidelines for initial actions in the event of a disaster and have established a system using the intranet so that we can quickly and reliably confirm the safety of our employees in the event of an emergency.

Work-Life Balance

We respect the diversity of our employees, and at the same time, we aim to foster a corporate culture where each employee can contribute to the company and society by working together while demonstrating their individuality. We are working to promote and enhance work-life balance so that employees with diverse values and lifestyles can balance their private and corporate lives. In our company, we implement:

  • - Maternity leave system
  • - Childcare leave system
  • - Shortened working hour system for childcare
  • - Nursing care leave system
  • - Regular mental health check system with an establishment of an external consultation services and industrial physicians
  • - Recommendations and subsidies for PET examinations for employees over 35 years old
  • - The use of recreational facilities for employees
Employee Training
(Training by Rank,
Support for Acquisition
of Qualifications)

We believe that each employee’s wisdom, cogitive flexibility, and ability to take action are our most valuable assets. In order to maximize the power of each employee, we support the development of their growth from the time they join our company with an education and training system tailored to their experience and duties. In addition, we offer a variety of cultural classes for employees (such as tea ceremony, flower arrangement, calligraphy and English) to create an environment where employees can learn and grow on their own. The types of training that we enforce are:

  • - New employee training (external instructors + OJT)
  • - Follow-up training for new employees
  • - E-learning system (management and finance, tax knowledge, etc.)
  • - Training by job level (skill improvement training by outside instructors,
    logical thinking, presentation training, etc.)
  • - Evaluator training
Improving the Working
and Living Environment
for Crew Members

In order to improve and support the working environment for crew members who work onboard and away from their families, the following initiatives are being implemented on Libera ships:

Labor Management for Seafarers

Crew members will receive appropriate break time under the labor management system.

Improvement of the Internet Environment on Board

Each ship is equipped with Wi-Fi that allows crew members to keep in touch with their family and friends via e-mail and social networking services.

Consideration for Dietary Habits

As lifestyle-related diseases are on the rise worldwide, we are working to improve daily diet on board where food choices are limited by distributing recipes to each ship so that we can provide healthy and nutritious meals to all crew members.


Through business and social contribution activities,
Libera Group aims to contribute to the improvement of people’s lives,
the development of local industries and a sustainable society
while deepening trust with local communities.

Promoting tourism
in Tsugaru Strait Area
and Participating
in Local Educational
and Cultural Activities


TSUGARU KAIKYO FERRY CO.,LTD who runs the Hokkaido-Aomori and Hokkaido-Oma lines has been working on “Project Tug” since 2010 to revitalize the Tsugaru Kaikyo area by promoting tourism and participating in local educational and cultural activities. They consistantly:

  • - Issue a free paper called “Tug” to the rest of Japan, to announce information about local attractions to stimulate people’s interest on Hokkaido and Tohoku area.
  • - Engage in activities to rediscover the attractiveness of the region, cooperating with local governments, businesses and organizations, such as participating in tourism PR and creating collaborative products with local businesses.
  • - Formed the "Tsugaru Kaikyo Dolphin Team" with local aquariums and universities to participate in local educational and cultural activities, such as conducting educational activities using ferries and holding historical and cultural exhibitions at ferry terminals.
Promoting the Utilization
of Agricultural Land
and Local Industries
in the Islands of Hiroshima Prefecture

Regional Revitalization

In the island region of Kure City, Hiroshima Prefecture (where Libera Group was founded) and Etajima City (which is adjacent to Kure City), we grow olives in cooperation with local residents, government, and companies with the aim of preventing abandonment of cultivated land and promoting local industries. We are working to make olives grow as a local product.

Supporting Arts and Cultural Activities

Regional Revitalization

Libera Group lends and exhibits their modern and contemporary Japanese paintings, ceramics, and other artifacts to museums and other institutions throughout Japan, based on their strong desire to preserve and pass on to future generations what is truly good. We also support and donate to various activities to ensure that the magnificent culture and art of Japan is passed on to future generations.